The Padua Group

I.F.O.R. (M.I.R.) - What is that?

International Fellowship of Reconciliation (Movimento Internazionale della Riconciliazione) is a groups’ federation whose members work for peace and justice. They join the struggle of men and women who are victims of social iniquity and of political and military aggression all around the world. In this effort they refuse to plan and get involved in any way in military conflicts. They want furthermore to develop nonviolent struggle methods aimed to unearth the truth and to treat the enemy with respect.

A Definition of Nonviolence

The active nonviolence let people avoid the ones who are using violence as a way to rule. Whoever is using nonviolence can affirm his/her independence and the dignity of the human being; he/she can decide about his/her future. It is a way to fight against the injustice and to proclaim the truth. Nonviolence involves the planning of a realistic schedule to build a more equal society.

A Brief History

I.F.O.R. is a Nongovernmental Organisation recognized by the United Nations under a consultant status.

It was created in the Netherlands in 1919 and since then it has been spreading in about sixty countries.

So far six I.F.O.R. members have received the Nobel Peace Prize: Jane Addams (USA, 1931), Emily Greene Balch (USA, 1946), Albert Luthuli (South Africa, 1960), Martin Luther King (USA, 1964), Mairead Corrigan (Northern Ireland, 1976), Adolfo Perez Esquivel (Argentina, 1980).

International secretariat:

IFOR International Secretariat
Postbus 1528
3500 BM Utrecht
The Netherlands
Web site: http://www.ifor.org/

I.F.O.R. (M.I.R.) starts his activity in Italy in 1952...

...and it has been working in Padua since 1978. The local group, involved in activities on national basis, has always tried to focus his attention on actual local matters.

The group:

The M.I.R. (I.F.O.R.) Commitment in Padua

The Padua group

The Awareness Action

The Padua group organizes trainings, lectures and public discussion in city districts, in schools and in parishes. His members have been interviewed in radio programs and have their comments often published on local newspapers.

In the M.I.R. oiffices is available to the public a library specialised on peace, disarmament, nonviolence and conscientious objection.

The M.I.R. office is located c/o Centro Servizi Volontariato (CSV) in via Gradenigo 10, 35131 Padova, Italy.

E-mail: [mirsezpd@libero.it]

Web site: [http://www.mirpadova.org]


Italian secretariat:

E-mail: [segreteria@miritalia.org]

Web site:[http://www.miritalia.org]